Author: Michael Sheridan
Steven Spielberg’s ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’ is genius science fiction
When I was a wee-lad I can remember seeing Close Encounters of the Third Kind on television. Originally released in 1977 it was in theaters a second time in 1979. However I was still young…
‘The Goonies’ is a wonderful escapist childhood fantasy
When I was a kid I was completely drawn in by The Goonies. A pure escapist childhood fantasy from the mind of Steven Spielberg. I went to see it with my friends several times. I…
‘Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace’ makes for top-notch DVD
Like millions of others I was excited to hear that Lucas — the supposed leader of the digital revolution in Hollywood – had finally relented and released one of his many great movies on DVD…
‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ is a charming chick flick
For those of you who read my Made review then you are already aware that I rented this film because my wife wanted me to get a film she would like. Of course she didnt…
I hate musicals… but ‘Moulin Rouge’ was great
Let me start by saying this: I HATE MUSICALS! With a few exceptions — The Music Man and White Christmas — I cant stand musicals. I just never understood how all those people know the…
Reese Witherspoon channels Goldie Hawn in ‘Legally Blonde’
During the holidays I was given the honor of watching over my seven-year-old niece Amanda. We played Playstation went to the movies and watched TV together. It was great…
‘Made’ is Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau at their best
Swingers was one of those movies that I wound up seeing more than a dozen times because the pay-cable channels just loved showing it. Now they love showing lots of movies and I dont constantly…
1982’s ‘Conan the Barbarian’ remains the best
I was seven years old when I first saw this film. I was shocked when I learned this actually. I remember seeing it in the theater but didnt realize that I was only seven. Blood…
John Carpenter’s ‘Big Trouble in Little China’ was brilliantly ahead of its time
When I found out that Carpenter had participated in a DVD release of this film I had to get my hands on it. Fortunately the holiday season was friendly to me…
‘The Film Director: Updated for Today’s Filmmaker, the Classic, Practical Reference to Motion Picture and Television Techniques’
I recently moved, and was able to unpack several of my books which had been tucked away for awhile. I decided, since I was putting the book out for display, I should read it. The…