Do you love movies? A fan of a particular genre? Are you endlessly obsessed with a director or actor or screenwriter? Heck, is there a celebrity you love to hate?
Then Tail Slate is the place for you to express your love for film. We’re all about loving movies, and we write about it (and, sorry, none of us get paid to do it).
We like to keep things loose here at Tail Slate. There is no form or function that needs to be adhered to. As long as you follow basic rules of grammar, no one will be turned away because their writing style is unconventional.
We want unique voices. People with distinctive ways of looking at things. We embrace all sorts, but we can’t know what you have to say or how you want to say it unless you submit something.
Reviews are always great, we love them. New releases, old favorites, new or Blu-ray. So if that’s your thing, then have at it.
But Tail Slate is about more than that. We like feature stories. Articles on an actor’s career, a particular film, a style of filmmaking or an entire genre. Top Ten lists, Top Fives, Ten Best or Ten Worst.
Are you a filmmaker or screenwriter or editor? We’d love to learn more about your craft. Share your horror stories about making a film, short or feature length. Share the tricks of the trade you’ve learned along the way.
Reviews and articles should be a minimum of 500 words. There is no maximum limit. We’ll take care of the images, but if you have something specific you want to include just let us know.
Reviews must include specific information: The main actors, the film’s director and the writers. We like to include the film’s rating and run time.
All films are rated on a 1-4 TICKET STUBS rating (there are no “half ticket stubs”).
Submissions must include your full name, e-mail address, and a brief, 2-3 sentence biography. All submissions can be sent via e-mail.