Tag: Keira Knightley
‘Anna Karenina’ marriages film and stage for tale of adultery
Joe Wright’s adaptation, written by Tom Stoppard, is Leo Tolstoy’s classic as you’ve never seen it before.
‘Seeking a Friend for the End of the World’ doesn’t die soon enough
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World explores what people would do and how they would act knowing the real end was near and unavoidable.
‘Domino’ is the story of a model turned bounty hunter
There is an ancient Chinese proverb that cautions: “Be careful what you wish for, for your wish may well be granted.” Apparently it is a proverb that the late Domino Harvey never learned. She wanted…
‘Bend It like Beckham’ is worth seeing… and seeing again
Unlike most sports films this story isnt really about a team or a sport. Bend It Like Beckham is about a young girl pursuing her dreams against all odds.