Tag: Nicole Kidman
‘Bombshell’ is fake news
“I believe in only two things completely: the first amendment, and boobs.” – Clay Travis Those words were actually spoken on CNN, but Bombshell posits that many over at its competitor Fox News share the…
‘Aquaman’ wades into deep water
“Pouring forth its seas everywhere, then, the ocean envelops the earth and fills its deeper chasms” – Nicolaus Copernicus “The seas need their own Kyoto Protocol” – Enric Sala We’ve seen Jason Momoa as “Aquaman”…
‘Lion’ roars loudly and with feeling
‘Lion’ is the true story of Saroo Brierly, born in India who winds up 1,500 kilometers away from his family with no way to get back to them. Adopted while still a young child by…
Get aboard ‘The Railway Man’ and you’ll enjoy the ride
A strong performance by Nicole Kidman helps this based on a true story film about a man coping with the aftermath of World War II
I hate musicals… but ‘Moulin Rouge’ was great
Let me start by saying this: I HATE MUSICALS! With a few exceptions — The Music Man and White Christmas — I cant stand musicals. I just never understood how all those people know the…