‘Richard Jewell’ is no gem

“I am not a Democrat because they want your money. I am not a Republican because they take your rights away.” – Watson Bryant, attorney for Richard Jewell Perhaps the time has come for a new Hollywood movie rating scale. D for documentary film that is entirely factual. D minus for documentary films that are…

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‘Joker’ is no laughing matter

“When the heroes go off stage, the clowns come on.” – Heinrich Heine Just like how comic books eventually developed lines for their more popular villains, the movies have caught up to do the same. We’ve had films for characters who started as adversaries but quickly became and are better known as heroes like The Punisher…

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‘The Addams Family’ snaps back

“If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween.” – Douglas Coupland Time to once more put your middle finger and thumb together and press them into each other twice. The Addams Family has returned, this go-round in computer-animated form with designs hewing closer to…

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